Our values

Our Nourished Bodies is an inclusive, weight-neutral nutrition practice focused on helping you heal your relationship with food. Our brand values guide us, and keep us focused on why we do this work: you.


Everyone's journey is entirely their own, and we firmly believe that you are the ultimate authority on your body and your experiences. As your dietitian, our approach is built on fostering curiosity rather than judgment. We are here to create a space where you can openly explore your thoughts and feelings about food and your body.

For a more comprehensive approach to your well-being, we believe in collaboration. With your permission, we'd be thrilled to team up with other professionals who are part of your support network. Whether it's your therapist, primary care physician, psychiatrist, recovery coach, or a trusted person in your life, working together ensures that you receive holistic care tailored to your needs. This collaboration allows us to create a strong foundation for your journey toward a healthier relationship with food, your body, and yourself free of weight stigma.

Gentle nutrition

The 10th principle of Intuitive Eating is to "honor your health with gentle nutrition." The book writes:

"Make food choices that honor your health and taste buds while making you feel well. Remember that you do not have to eat perfectly to be healthy. You will not suddenly get a nutrient deficiency or gain weight from one snack, one meal, or one day of eating. It's what you eat consistently over time that matters - progress not perfection is what counts."

What stands out is the liberating notion that perfection isn't the ticket to health. Gentle nutrition reminds us that health is not a product of single meals, snacks, or days, but rather the cumulative effect of our choices over time. It's a reassuring reminder that the occasional indulgence or deviation won't derail the bigger picture. Gentle nutrition encourages us to embrace “normal” eating, and having meals with loved ones without the cloud of guilt or anxiety.

By emphasizing progress over perfection, this principle offers us freedom from the rigid rules that often accompany dietary habits. It shifts the focus from immediate outcomes to the sustained journey toward well-being. It's an invitation to approach nutrition with kindness, cultivating a relationship with food that is marked by balance and self-compassion. In essence, "honor your health with gentle nutrition" encourages us to make choices that resonate with our bodies and values, celebrating the symphony of nourishment and enjoyment that food can bring to our lives.


This core value lies in offering you genuine care and unwavering empathy. We understand that health is more than numbers; it's about your unique experiences, feelings, and aspirations. With us, you're not just a client but a valued individual on a personal journey. We are here to listen, support, and champion your well-being without judgment. Together, we'll navigate challenges, celebrate victories, and create a safe space where your story matters. Our commitment to care and empathy ensures that your path to health is not just meaningful, but also filled with understanding and kindness.

Ready to Get Started?

If you’re ready to start your journey toward food freedom, would like more information, or have questions to ask - let’s chat! Book a complimentary 20-minute clarity call, and we’ll discuss how we can support you in reaching your goals.